The human catastrophe of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to intensify as the world is locked-down and rhythmic life seems to have ground to a halt. The coronavirus pandemic awards an unbarred path for the human brood to act in solidarity and transform this emergency into a catalyst to accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals. Reflecting towards the SDG 16, Peace Justice &Strong Institutions, the objective is tied-in with discovering approaches ensuring everybody lives in a serene society. The world is thinking about an undetectable, lethal foe, attempting to see how to live with the danger presented by an infection. The rage of infection delineates the habit of war. The time has come to put furnished clash on lockdown and spotlight together on the genuine battle of our lives. What we need today is an intrigue for a quick worldwide truce to battle the pandemic attacking it. Pioneers and huge numbers of residents are confronting an amazing test. The COVID-19 pandemic is not only undermining social-insurance frameworks, but the jobs and soundness of economies. The advancement world makes on both of these fronts- smothering the infection and moderating the negative effect on inhabitants’ vocations, simultaneously, will decide the state of the monetary recuperation.

As horrendous as this sounds, the circumstance in the leading economies is equivalent, even if not substantially, to what creating nations are confronting- the sickness trouble, and the monetary demolition. In spite of the fact that testing stays constrained, the quantity of affirmed instances of the infection worldwide has surpassed three million, and more than two hundred thousand precious lives have been lost[1] with US, Italy and Spain topping the list. Social-insurance frameworks in moderately well-off nations are stressed past limits, with deficiencies of defensive gear for healthcare providers and ventilators for beset patients adding to disease and death rates. Information from China recommends that the flare-up is generally contained there; the administration is carefully reviving monetary movement. While it might be too soon to ascertain if any nation has effectively controlled the pandemic, some have engaged it superior to others by promptly reacting to the looming emergency with solid measures, giving a few indications of fight-back. A few countries forced inner and outer travel limitations, and practice self-detachment to forestall the coronavirus spread. Taiwan, a developed country, is demonstrating incredible recuperation numbers with 429 affirmed cases out of which 307 have recouped with 6 passings. As on April 27, Taiwan announced zero affirmed cases[2]. Taiwan’s reaction methodology has been the best comprehensively. Despite the fact that it has an exchange and transport joints with China, it had masterly contained transmission as a direct result of response and exercises the island country had gained from the SARS episode in 2003. Another developed country, Sweden, appeared to be promoting herd immunity with a low-scale lockdown strategy which seems to have helped them confront the virus. New Zealand, on another positive outlook, has been able to grapple the outbreak of COVID-19 by implementing strict isolation laws, restrictions over travel with the highest testing rates per capita. Finland and Denmark, with a similar perspective over the problem, shall resume manufacturing activities with a play in low-risk recreational activities. Australia, a developed nation, followed strict policies of fines and isolation to avoid any increase in the index of patients. A developing country like Cuba has successfully surpassed the horrors of the infection by imposing strict draconian rules. Antarctica, being the only virus-free continent, is however under strict lockdown bringing its tourism to a halt. Coming to the less developed economies like India, generally low human services assets, constrained state limit, and huge populace of needy individuals, a significant number of whom are as of now troubled with other medical problems, model difficulties on each measurement. Regardless of whether India could make a solitary push towards testing, it can’t have social separating as different nations can, particularly the developed ones. The suggestion of social distancing separates in India for two reasons: low per capita living space with poor hygiene and high degree intergenerational living together-about 4.3 persons per household[3]. Requisitioning of government schools and buildings, rent private hotel rooms, repurposing them as quarantine facilities, can act as a valuable proposal to combat the currents situation of lack of hospital beds and accommodation. India locked down early given its number of domestic cases, which has given a window of opportunity to suppress the virus if its testing and isolation strategies can be ramped up quickly. With the current uncompromising governance strategies for opening of manufacturing sectors and self-isolation, India is still far ahead than other brawling less-developed economies where people are suffering more trauma emotionally as the virus breaks their financial spine like Pakistan, Nigeria and Bangladesh. Some South-African countries are amidst the worst of famines and hardly coping with the virus as massive deaths occur, thus, unbalancing the equilibrium of the country’s economy. Same is the situation in economies that earn livelihood purely out of tourism. The harm the Chinese economy experienced in January and February, at the focal point of the outbreak-markers for production and services tumbled to uncommon lows; trades contracted 17 percent in 2020, contrasted to those in 2019. In the US and the UK, governments are arranging huge monetary stimulus to extend medicinal services arrangement, ensure payrolls, extra joblessness protection, postpone charge installments, deflect pointless insolvencies, and help firms and families endure the tempest. One common supposition of this methodology is that administrations will prepare fundamental assets, by borrowing more from their own national banks. To put it plainly, the more you need the virus to bend, the more you should secure your nation – and the more monetary space you will require to moderate the deep recession that will result. That abandons developing economies in a stumble. Even in the best of times, a large number, have unsafe access to fund, and resort to the print machine prompts a sudden spike in demand for the money and an inflationary spike.

To give nations the budgetary ability to smooth the bend needs a degree of fiscal help that won’t be attainable with existing methodologies and with present global balance sheets. To help the Global South, it is basic to recycle the cash that is escaping the developing economies back to them. Whether it be the Brazilian President crying over the virus which he cannot defeat, or the emotional doctors in Italy breaking down before the world trying to save the half dead, or the Americans staging a flippant approach trying to save its economy rather than its makers, all worlds’ at an all-time low pondering whether the investment on weaponry and military was crucial, for the health, livelihood and life is at stake. Flattening the COVID-19 curve will require concerted economic action at the international level, especially for developing countries. By perceiving contrasts among locales and sectors, governments can get individuals back to work quicker and defend our jobs.

[1] Covid19 stats worldwide available at: (last visited on April 29, 2020).


[2] Editorial, “How these countries controlled the pandemic better than the others” Business Today, April 28, 2020.

[3] Covid19 Policy Brief Series, available at: (last visited on April 28).

Written By – Anoushka Singh